
     A Relic is usually a unique, one-of-a-kind, object hoursing significat arcane power. As the Artifact, these objects were also created and used during the Age of Enlightenment. There were multiples of a limited number of Relics created, yet only a few (there will be a note at the very bottom of the information of each Relic if more than one of the same exist).

     The finding of a Relic is of great significance, for there is only one of each Relic in existance, though others may seem quite similar (they are not the same).

     Roll on the following chart to see what relic has been found. If you roll up a Relic that has already been found, roll again:


%Roll: Relic types: 32

01-25:   Alters

26-50:   Chains

51-75:   Amulets

76-00:   Armors



Once a Relic, or any one-of-a-kind item, is found, it must be noted and kept track of. Once found, these types of items will never be lost, unless they are destroyed, for most always, they are unique and one-of-a-kind.